Tiny Lime Green Bug – What Is It?

You might find tiny green or lime-colored bugs when you’re out in the garden. These little guys can be hard to identify because they look similar to other bugs. But what are these green bugs? In this article, we’ll look at some different types of tiny lime green bugs so you can figure out what’s crawling around on your plants.

The tiny lime green bugs you see often breed and hide outdoors. They can be any of the following bugs:

  1. Greenbugs or Aphids
  2. Pale Green Assassin Bugs
  3. Ambush Bugs
  4. Green Leafhoppers
  5. Katydids
  6. Green Thrips
  7. Dogbane Leaf Beetles
  8. Green Tiger Beetles
  9. Sweat Bees

Read on as we explore these tiny lime green bugs, what they do, and how to prevent or eliminate them, if necessary.

Tiny Lime Green Bugs

tiny lime green bug

When you notice little green bugs on your plants, it’s essential to identify them. Most of these tiny green bugs are considered plant pests. However, when they do get into contact with your skin, they can also leave a painful bite.

So, if you’re wondering what kind of green bug is on your plants, let’s take a look at some of the most common types:

1. Greenbugs or Aphids

Usually Clustered Together on One Part of a Plant

Greenbugs look like tiny lime green bugs or yellow aphids. They usually live in large groups tightly clustered together on one part of a plant, like the underside of leaves.

Warm-season Aphid

The greenbug is a warm-season aphid more tolerant of high temperatures than other cereal aphids. However, it doesn’t live at temperatures beyond 95 °F (35 °C) and stops reproducing before this temperature is reached.

During shorter days and lower fall temperatures, sexual forms, which consist of egg-laying females and winged males, may be produced.


These bugs have a darker green line running down the middle of the back, and the length of their antennae is equal to or more than the length of their bodies. Their ability for reproduction is also very high.

How to Get Rid of Greenbugs

Over the years, green bugs have developed resistance to different insecticides. So the most effective method for controlling green bugs is an integrated approach. This involves applying various strategies instead of only relying on a single control method.

Are Lettuce Aphids Harmful to Humans?

2. Pale Green Assassin Bugs

tiny lime green bug that bites

One of North America’s Almost 200 Species of Assassin Bugs

One of North America’s almost 200 species of assassin bugs is the pale green assassin bug, known scientifically as Zelus luridus. The name of the species, luridus, comes from the Latin word for “lurid,” which means “ghastly.”

Size and Appearance

These bugs are approximately 3/4-inch long and have a green body with wings that can be brown or tan. Their leg joints are usually reddish. A pair of spines may be found on the back corners of their shoulder plate, which resembles a shield.

Nymphs are often solid green in color and without wings, with more slender bodies than adults. The shape of their bodies is similar to that of most assassin bugs — they have a thin, long body with visible legs.

Pale Green Assassin Bugs’ Bite Can Lead to Swelling

A pale green assassin bug bite is painful and can lead to swelling and itching that may last for at least two days. But generally, these bites are harmless as the bugs don’t transmit diseases.

Natural Insecticide

Did you know that pale green assassin bugs are a natural way to eliminate destructive insects? Assassin bugs are a type of natural insecticide. They eat other bugs, which can help you get rid of pests that are damaging your home.

How to Get Rid of Pale Green Assassin Bugs

Although pale green assassin bugs don’t hurt plants, they may find their way into your house when their population grows. Their usual entry points are holes, cracks, or crevices in the walls, including open windows or doors.

However, according to the experts, these green bugs can’t live in your home for an extended time because there isn’t enough food for them and the interior of your home isn’t their suitable habitat.

There is currently no insecticide on the market designed specifically to kill assassin bugs. To prevent these green bugs from entering your home, seal any breaches or gaps you find on the walls, windows, and doors that face your yard or garden.

3. Ambush Bugs

tiny lime green bugs with wings

Another Type of Assassin Bug

This lime green bug is another type of assassin bug. Because ambush bugs feed on sunflower or daisy family blooms, such as goldenrods and thistles, they are most commonly seen in open, sunny locations like fields, prairies, and roadsides.

They “ambush” their prey by waiting patiently on the flowerheads to attack insects that come too close.


You may recognize ambush bugs from other assassin bugs by their hooked forelegs with expanded femur sections, clubbed antennae, and abdomens with widened back portions. These bugs appear yellow, leaf or lime green, brown, tan, or white, with dark bands or mottled patches.

Ambush bugs have the ultimate camouflage thanks to their colors, patterns, and shapes. This characteristic allows them to blend in with goldenrods and other composite flowers.

How to Get Rid of Ambush Bugs

Maintaining a clean outdoor space is the key to removing ambush bugs. And instead of utilizing pesticide sprays, a mixture of water and peppermint oil sprayed on the plants is a better option.

Bugs that lurk in ambush may be drawn to your home by the light coming from inside. Therefore, installing a light bulb that repels bugs in areas such as your patio deck will not attract this tiny lime green bug in the house.

4. Green Leafhoppers

tiny lime green bug that flies

Feed on Vegetable and Fruit Plants’ Leaves

These garden pests feed on the leaves of vegetable and fruit plants. However, they can also damage flower plant leaves. Also, green leafhoppers can be challenging to detect because they blend excellently with their host plants.

Size and Appearance

Green leafhoppers are tiny lime green bugs that can grow between 3 and 4 millimeters in length. They can also appear yellow or brown, aside from their green appearance.

Their wings cover the entire abdomen, giving them a slender, wedge-like appearance. Green leafhoppers also have powerful hind legs, which they use for jumping from one location to another.

How to Get Rid of Green Leafhoppers

Here are some things you can do to get rid of these green bugs and prevent them from damaging your garden:

  • Use diatomaceous earth;
  • Get rid of affected plants;
  • Try sticky traps;
  • Use floating row covers;
  • Bring beneficial bugs like minute pirate bugs and ladybugs to your garden; or
  • Use neem oil or other insecticidal soaps.

Also, maintaining a healthy and growing lawn seems the best way to fend off green leafhoppers.

5. Katydids

tiny bright green bug

Closely Related to Crickets

Katydids are Orthoptera insects like crickets and grasshoppers. Because of their long and slender shape, some katydids have been referred to as long-horned grasshoppers. Although, in reality, katydids are more closely related to crickets than any grasshopper.


Katydids have a green body shaped like a leaf. They use their hind legs to jump as grasshoppers and crickets do. Their front legs aren’t quite as robust as their hind legs.

Katydids are often much larger than other tiny bugs. They can reach a maximum length of two and a half inches when fully mature. However, not all katydids are capable of reaching such a large size.

How to Get Rid of Katydids

Practical control is challenging, so waiting out the katydid garden pests is often the best action. Spinosad can be used, however, if you discover many katydid nymphs. This pesticide is only moderately toxic and most effective when consumed by pests.

Again, what bugs are lime green? Greenbugs are tiny and usually lime-green or yellow. You’ll find them in clusters on a leaf’s underside. They have a dark green line on their back. They also have a long antenna, longer than their body. Lastly, they multiply quickly.

6. Green Thrips

little lime green bugs

Feeds on Plants’ Sap

Thrips are tiny green bugs and as thin as a sewing needle.

Green thrips eat plant sap and other liquids found inside plants, which is why you’ll often see them on leaves or stems where there’s plenty of juice available for them to feed on. They feed by piercing plants with their mouth and sucking out the liquid inside.

Size and Appearance

Adult thrips range in length from 1/50 to 1/25 of an inch and are very slender and tiny. They can be any shade from black, brown, or yellow, and if you approach too close to them, they usually either leap or fly away from you. Their wings are elongated and fringed.

The nymphs resemble the adults but are even smaller, and instead of having darker colors, they’re typically a lighter shade of green or yellow. Also, their wings seem to be underdeveloped, and they can occasionally have crimson eyes.

The thrips on your plants seem like tiny, black slivers. Getting a good look at their bodies can be difficult without a magnifying glass. But when viewed up close, they have a similar appearance to lobsters. Shake them onto a plain, white background to get a better look at them.

How to Get Rid of Green Thrips

Green thrips can harm your plants, so you must remove them from your garden as soon as possible. You can use insecticides or natural remedies like insecticidal soap or diatomaceous earth (DE).

If you choose to use DE, apply it to all areas where the bugs might hide, including cracks and crevices around windowsills, door frames, and other places where insects might reside.

Once this has been done, spray your plants with water so that the DE will stick to the plants and then wait for the chemicals to kill the insects.

If you choose to use insecticidal soap instead of DE, apply it to your garden twice a week until you no longer see any green thrips on your plants.

7. Dogbane Leaf Beetles

tiny neon green bugs

Feed and Live on dogbane and Milkweed Plants

These bugs feed and live on dogbane and milkweed plants spread across the grasslands and prairies in the eastern part of North America, including southeastern Canada.

Secretes a Powerful Toxin

Dogbane beetles consume the toxic cardiac glycosides found in dogbane sap, store the chemicals in glands explicitly designed for that purpose, and then secrete the toxic chemical when other creatures threaten them. The vibrant colors of their body advertise their deadly chemical defense.


The dogbane leaf beetle is bright and colorful with an oval shape. They appear as glossy red, green, and gold. It’s a stunning bug that rarely reaches a length of more than a quarter of an inch.

Dogbane leaf beetles primarily have a green coloration on their bodies. Most of their multicolored pattern is seen on their backs and thorax, while their heads are a vivid shade of green.

How to Get Rid of Dogbane Leaf Beetles

If you notice dogbane leaf beetles on your property and want to get rid of them, the easiest way is to remove all milkweed and dogbane plants from the property.

However, removing these plants can be difficult because uprooting them won’t work. You’ll need to use an herbicide to stop these plants from regrowing.

Currently, no insecticide spray is mainly used against dogbane leaf beetles. However, you can destroy these beetles by spraying soapy water infused with peppermint essential oil for an added killing blow.

8. Green Tiger Beetles

tiny light green bug

Beneficial in the Yard or Garden

You’ll find these beetles near the woods. Unless you live near the woods, the likelihood of these bugs sneaking into your garden or yard is relatively low.

The green tiger beetle is a voracious predator. It seeks out and devours unwanted pests in your garden. It’s a beetle with a stunning appearance and provides significant benefits yard or garden.


The green tiger beetle is large with a metallic green color. Its legs and eyes are a purple-bronze color with large and creamy patches on its wing cases. Also, there are four uncommon species of tiger beetle, each of which is either significantly smaller or a purple-gray color with creamy dots.

How to Get Rid of Green Tiger Beetles

Do you need to get rid of them in your yard or garden? There’s no need to do that. Because these beetles are insectivores, they do not harm plants. It’s the other way around. They keep your plants safe by hunting and eating harmful bugs.

9. Sweat Bees

tiny lime green bug that jumps

Also Called Halictid Bees

Did you know that sweat bees got their name because they love to hover around sweat? They feed on the salt left behind in human effort, as well as other small sources of moisture. Sweat bees are also called halictid bees.

Size and Appearance

These bugs are approximately 1/4 to 3/4 inches, and many are quite small. They aren’t entirely green, but they have shades of green mixed with blue, bronze, and black.

Most sweat bees have a dark brown or black coloration, although there are a few with vibrant colors, most notably metallic greens, and blues.

Their colors range from green to red to yellow, and they frequently have markings that resemble those found on honeybees. And when compared to other kinds of bees, their tongues tend to be shorter.

How to Get Rid of Sweat Bees

If sweat bees bother you, you can get rid of them. However, having these bugs around can benefit your plants’ overall health. You can do a few things to lower the chances of them hanging around your house:

  • Remove any rotten wood from the premises;
  • Fill in any ground holes or burrows;
  • Use insect repellent; and
  • Try not to show too much of your skin.

Frequently Asked Questions – Small Lime Green Bug

greenbug aphids

What Are Little Lime Green Bugs?

They’re called green bugs. These bugs are tiny and appear as lime green or yellow aphids. They tend to concentrate in colonies on the plants’ undersides.

Are Green Bugs Harmful?

Greenbugs may cause problems during the seedling growth stage. However, the greenbug population usually doesn’t reach a damaging level until the sorghum panicle matures.

The emergence of red-colored spots on the leaves, which are caused by the toxin that green bugs inject, is one way to identify an infestation.

What Are These Tiny Green Bugs in the House at Night?

They are aphids, and there are over 5,000 different species of them in the insect family Aphididae. Aphids are a common pest that feeds on houseplants, which they also infest.

Are Green Aphids Harmful to Humans?

Generally, aphids pose no threat to human health as they don’t typically bite or irritate the skin like thrips. Also, aphids cannot survive in hair and won’t do any harm even if they’re accidentally ingested.

Can Aphids Live on Clothes?

If you bring an outdoor plant inside, there’s a chance it already has the pest living in it. Aphids can sometimes fly and could enter your home through an open window. It’s also possible for them to stow away on your clothes or pet dog. In other words, aphids may make their way inside your house.

Conclusion – What Are Tiny Lime Green Bugs?

Now you know what makes a tiny lime green bug different from other types of green-colored bugs. I hope this article has helped you understand how these bugs differ so that you can tell them apart if they ever come into your home or yard.

These bugs aren’t harmful to humans but can be a nuisance. If you’re experiencing a significant infestation of tiny lime green bugs in your home or yard, contact a pest control professional for help.

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Little White Bugs That Look Like Lint Or Dust