Strong winds could have caused your window screen to be moved out of its place. Or maybe somebody outside could have moved it carelessly. This article will show you how to put a screen back in a window.
You can put the window screen back in its place by pushing it into the track and then by releasing its sliders or tabs. If you install a screen with tabs or pegs on one side of the screen frame, you can position the opposite end of the screen into the track, which will then restore it to its place.
You can do that if you pull the tabs or pegs simultaneously as you press on the remaining side of the screen into its place. And then release the tabs or pegs. But if the screen is out of place, you first need to remove it. Look for the tabs or pegs which are inside the screen. Pull them together, and the screen will pop out easily.
Read on to learn more about how you can put a screen back in a window and how you can do it with different types of windows.
How to Put a Screen Back in a Window

Misaligned Window Due to Strong Winds or Careless Use
Window screens are prone to be moved out of place because of many situations. Strong winds and careless use of the window are the most common reasons the screen will be misaligned with the window frame.
Push the Window Back Into Its Track
It is easy to put the screen back in its place. If you have a standard window screen, push it back into its track and then release the sliders or tabs. But if the screen is out of place, you first need to remove it from the window frame.
Look for Tabs or Pegs Inside the Screen
A standard window screen has tabs or pegs. Look for these tabs which are inside the screen. Pull them simultaneously, and the screen will pop out easily. Now, push the bottom of the screen into the track and release the sliders.
The screen should have tabs or pegs on one side. You can position the opposite end of the screen into the screen track. Now, pull the pegs simultaneously as you press the remaining side of the screen into its former place. Then release the tabs, and the screen will be back in its place.
Simplest Way of Putting Back the Screen
Standard window screens are made to be easily removed and put back in place. This is done for easy maintenance. Screens get clogged with dirt and smog, so you need to clean them regularly. That’s why they are made in such a way that you can easily remove them and pop them back again in their place.
These screens are typically made so they can be installed inside the house. The first thing you need to do is find the tabs or pegs. There should be two tabs located inside the screen frame. They may be close to the bottom, aligned on one side, or situated at the top.
- Hold the window screen so that these tabs or pegs are facing you.
- It there are two sliders or tabs on the screen near its bottom, it should also have levers or hooks on the sides, which should also stick out. They hold the screen into the frame.
- Pop the top end of the window screen into its track.
- Line up the bottom of the screen with the track.
- Squeeze the sliders or tabs into the center so the levers can be drawn in.
- Then push the bottom of the window screen into the track.
- Release the sliders.
Additional Tips
Install a Window Screen
You can also install a window screen with tabs or pegs on one of its sides by placing its opposite end into the screen track. Then pull the tabs or pegs simultaneously as you press the remaining side of the screen into its place.
Window with Plastic Loop-style Pulls
If the window screen has plastic loop-style pulls on one of its sides, press the opposite end into its place first. The screen should also have two spring-like pieces of metal protruding in the part of the screen that goes into the track.
Put your finger in the plastic loop on top at the opposite side. This will guide the top of the screen into place. Then use the plastic bottom loop to guide the bottom of the screen into place.
Putting Back the Screen in a Double-Hung Window

Now, if you have double-hung windows, and their window screens have been accidentally removed from their proper places, the method of putting the screens back in will be slightly different.
Here are the steps that you need to follow:
1. Know the Parts of Double-hung Windows
Know the parts of double-hung windows. These window types have additional parts that are not found in conventional windows. They are also typically taller. The double-hung windows have window screens on their exterior and two inside windows installed one over the other.
2. Grab the Two Windows Inside
Grab the two windows inside and move them upwards until they contact the top tracks. This will enable you to access the window screen so you can pop it out of its tracks.
3. Move the Window Back Again
After removing the screen, you need to move it back on its tracks correctly. To do this, first, hold the screen tightly with your hands. If the screen is extra heavy, ask somebody to help.
4. Hold the Screen Horizontally
Hold the screen horizontally to enable you to move it easily within the space under the window shields.
5. Tilt the Screen in an Incline or a Slant
Then tilt the screen in an incline or a slant so that its right bottom edge is tilted downwards, while its left bottom edge is slanted upwards.
6. Push the Screen Straight Outwards
Then push the screen straight outwards but be careful not to let it go. Hold the screen firmly and move it vertically and not horizontally as you did a while ago.
7. Locate the Latch on the Left of the Screen
Be careful in taking this next step because it will determine if you will succeed in putting the window screen properly in its place. There is a latch on the left of the screen. It will enable you to sit the screen correctly in its place.
8. Move the Screen Towards the Left
Move the screen towards the left until you see that it is seated firmly on the grove. You may hear a slight ‘click’ as the spring latches on its position.
9. Move the Two Windows in the Center of the Window Frame
Hold the screen with one hand. Use your other hand to move the two windows in the center of the window frame.
10. Move the Screen Inwards, Then Toward the Right
Move the screen first inwards and then rightwards. If you did it right, the screen would now be seated in its right track or groove. You have successfully put the window screen back.
Again, how to put a screen back in a window? To put a screen back in a window, you have to push the screen’s bottom into the track. Release the sliders, then install a screen equipped with pegs or tabs on one side. Pull the screen’s peg while pressing the screen’s side into place. Finally, release the pegs or tabs.
Putting Back the Screen in a Standard Window
At the beginning of this article, I have given you just the basic steps. Here is a more detailed step-by-step procedure of putting back the window screen of a conventional window:
1. Hold the Screen in Your Hands
Hold the screen in your hands. Ask the help of another person if the weight of the screen is more than you can handle.
2. Run Your Hands Down the Frame’s Sides
Run your hands down the sides or frame of the window screen. If you put the window screen from the outside, sweep one hand over its top-right edge. There should be a clip or latch there that you can feel.
3. Hold the Clip or Latch Firmly
Hold this clip or latch firmly. Make sure that it is in line with the screen’s side. It should not stick outwards. If the latch hangs away from the screen, it won’t sit back properly.
Now, lift the screen to the top-right edge of the windowpane.
4. Shift the Screen Several Times
Shift the screen several times so it would fit correctly in the groove. Then push it gently inward. This will cause the screen’s right side to settle into place snugly.
5. Adjust the Right Edges of the Screen
Adjust the right edges of the screen and try to fit its top in place. Align the top of the screen along the window tracks running on the top of the frame. Gently push the window screen from the top right to its top left.
Half of the window screen should be in place by this time, while its other half is still dangling in the air. You are already halfway through putting the screen back into place.
6. Gently Push the Left Side of the Screen
Gently push the left side of the screen inwards. Keep doing this until its entire left side clicks into its proper groove. Then feel the screen by your hand. You may see most of the screen’s body has already nestled into place.
7. Run Your Hand Along the Bottom of the Screen
Now, run your hand along the bottom of the screen. Then hold the screen with your hand and run it towards its bottom right-center. Slightly compress the window pane and gently slide the window screen’s bottom right edge into its groove.
8. Run Your Hand Along the Window’s Bottom Track
Then run your hand along the window’s bottom track. Nudge the screen gently in place. Be slow and careful in your movements. Don’t hurry to finish the job, or you will have to repeat some of the processes.
9. Lift the Window Screen Gently
Finally, lift the window screen gently and then nudge its bottom left inwards. This will cause the clip to click into place, and you have successfully put the screen back into place.
Here is a short video that shows a straightforward way of putting a window screen back in its place:
Removing Window Screen Safety Tips

Putting back a window screen into place makes it also necessary to first remove the whole screen from its place. In that sense, you need to follow certain tips that will ensure the safe removal of the screen. When removing a window screen, there are three don’ts that you need to observe:
- Don’t damage the window frame
- Avoid damaging the screen and its frame
- Don’t hurt yourself
When trying to correct the placement of a window screen, the first thing you must be concerned with is your safety. There is no need to hurt yourself to correct the placement of a window screen:
1. Practice Safety First
Work safely. Keep your feet planted firmly on a stable surface and keep your balance all the time. Wear proper protective gear and use the proper tools. Don’t ever lean on the screen while you are working on it.
2. Clear the Working Area
Before dropping the screen, make sure that the working area below is clear of any obstructions, people, or pets. While they are not heavy, window screens have frames with sharp edges that can cut the skin of people and pets.
3. Use the Proper Tools
A putty knife with a wide blade is an effective tool for prying window screens from their place. A wider blade will give the same pressure across the screen frame, preventing it from buckling or bending.
4. Be Gentle
Don’t force the screen out of its place. Apply gentle pressure and careful movements when prying the screen. Too much prying will also damage the window frame.
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Conclusion: How to Put a Screen Back in a Window
If the window screen is out of place, you first need to remove it from the window. Look for the tabs or pegs. They are inside the screen. Pull them simultaneously, and the screen will easily pop out from the window.
You can put the window screen back in its correct position by pushing it into the track. Then release the sliders or tabs. You need to install a window screen with tabs or pegs on one side of its frame. You can use them to position the opposite end of the screen into the track.
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